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Main » 2010 » January » 19

It's been a while since there was anything worthy for me to post since Christmas. Sure, there was the New Year, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and some other random stuff. Now, I will be taking some time to express my excitement and gratitude towards an anime that - not only got me back into watching anime, but was also the very inspiration for picking up my guitar again after putting it down and giving it up, thinking it was too difficult to learn - K-ON!

It was announced that K-ON! will have a second season, and holy friggin' cow has this jump started all those fuwa-fuwa memories! The original video animation has already been released and K-ON! on Blu-Ray has made my purchase of a Playstation 3 worth it. Yeah... I know what you're thinking: "High-def anime was your justification for buying a PS3?" Ya damn right video game-holics; My love is a stapler for K-ON!

Views: 395 | Added by: Wonderwall | Date: 19 Jan 2010 | Comments (0)

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